Formation of the Drago-Sas family: hardening from past wars
Historical information on the process of formation and development of the worldview of the representatives of the Galician petty gentry, which was and remains a peculiar phenomenon of European history, is presented in an accessible form, mostly in the language of facts, partially supplemented by evaluative judgments. On the example of these free people, representatives of noble families, who were mainly protected by the coats of arms of Sas and Korchak, illustrated places and ways of their existence on the chronological background of historical events and facts from the time of settlement in the Ukrainian lands of Prykarpattia and Dnieper.
Hard life forced the representatives of noble families to move to the lands of the Ukrainian Dnieper or emigrate to different countries: European, overseas. Everywhere, they were forced to go through difficult tests of their identity, continuing to rely on everything that had become firmly part of their mentality over the centuries. But necessarily on the basis of identity - historical memory, with which it is easier to predict, plan and construct your future.
Historical knowledge about their family creates immunity against the anti-Ukrainian propaganda of our enemies. Getting acquainted with the history of the coat of arms, they simultaneously change the worldview of those of its representatives who have not yet learned the difficult and heroic past of their ancestors.
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